Friday, 4 September 2009

Module2-Chapter 5-Patterned Papers - Glass Prints

I used black acrylic paint for the glass prints. Instead of the glass I used a DINA4 sheet of funky foam on which I drew the patterns.

The following pattern was applied with a stick and refers to the tortoises marks.

Pattern done with a small plastic card.

Here I applied the paint to the foam plate, then put a net on top to act as a resist.

Pattern applied with a stick


Pattern drawn with a plastic device

Simple lines applied with the wooden end of a brush

Ghost print of the above paper

Here I coloured the paper with black calligraphy ink, then used white acrylic paint and a net.

I really enjoyed making prints and the endless possibilities this technique offers. However, as the acrylic paint dries quite quickly, one has to work fast. Therefore, when doing prints, it would be advisable to use a retarder with the acrylic paint or a special printing ink.

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