Saturday, 22 April 2023

Diploma Chapter 3-Texture and Surface Relief Study Part 2

Crumbled walls and peeling paint

Sample 2

This print clearly shows the negative spaces between the eggshells 

The bottom last samples show a gelli plate print where I used the collagraph plate to lift up the paint before printing.

Sample 3

Sample 4

Iron "Strings"


This photograph was altered and changed to black and white to show the grasses and their reflection in the water. 
The most obvious choice would have been to glue threads down to represent the grasses. In an online class with Sally Tyrie we were asked to abstract a design and to do collagraphs 
I chose these to experiment with. Here are the results

Textured Wall

Monday, 17 April 2023

Diploma Chapter 3-Texture and Surface Relief Study

 One of my favourite exercises.

I turned my pictures into black and white using several apps on my smartphone, like Dramatic BW and Adobe Capture to simplify the shapes. This allowed me to see the textures more clearly and in a different way.

Metal Tubes

This picture shows two different shapes: metal rings and the tubes

sample 1

sample 2

sample 3

sample 4

This should read sample 4. Change of scale for the material used

Metal Tubes - Part II

This covers the circular pattern that appears on the picture

Rubber "Strips"

I fell in love with these rubber "ruffles", there's so much texture and movement in them. I guess they come feom a discarded industrial engine.

These last pictures are taken from Module 5 of the Certificate, I think they perfectly reflect the movement and the textures of the original image. 

Happy memories came up when I was looking for these pics as so much was learned in this module.