I got the idea to use the words "shopping list" when I was emptying my pockets and found a handwritten weekly shopping list. Now you have to know that filling the fridge and the cupboards once a week is not my favourite activity. It's not very rewarding to find the fridge empty after a few days. This activity of shopping (and I don't mean shopping clothes or crafting articles,which most of us women like) is so characteristic for a (working or not) housewife's life. My shopping lists are probably are the same.
I wanted to do something that "upgrades" this activity and make a statement, who knows where this module will lead me ....
1)a,b,c: writing done with olive green fluid acrylic ink by Schmincke on copy paper using a feather quill. The quality of the paper and the ink made the ink run
2: indian ink "A la Pagode"by Sennelier, writing done with 1cm large piece of card board (a),
b and c: writing done with a small piece of card board cut to form spiky edges in handwriting and block letters
3: a) handwriting on cartridge paper using the edge of credit card (green acrylic ink) and Tombo Abt pen (brush tip) on top on cartridge paper (no bleeding)
b) The words "Shopping List" were written with a black Tombo Abt pen using the brush tip. The writing was done very closely and the words are barely readable
4: a) writing done with Sennelier Terre de Sienne ink applied with a paint brush
b)acrylic ink applied with edge of credit card
5) very large block letter applied with a brush using black Sennerlier ink, the word shopping was one upside down in the second row
6) a photocopy was done from no 5) and the letters were written on top using white acrylic ink from Schmincke
7) here I used red acrylic ink using the pipette as a writing device , the paper was then tilted to make the paint run
7) Parker Quink ink was used here on Cartridge paper with a paint brush and then bleached. This ink discharges very well
8) spent black Procion dye on cartridge paper applied with bamboo pen in own handwriting
9) spent black Procion dye on cartridge paper applied with cotton dab in block letters
10) here the Procion dye was applied on to Watercolor paper with a bamboo pen. It's interesting to see that the colour of the discharged letters is different, probably because the water colour paper absorbs the liquid in a different way
11. Here the letters from sample 5) were copied to a background made from shopping bills. Further writing was added on top with a tippex pen. The writing grows bigger in every letter
12. Letters applied with a "Bandzug" nib on handmade Khadi papier with Standardgraph China ink. The letters are written vertically
13. letters applied vertically in block letters on black cartridge paper using tippex pen. When tilted the words produce a very interesting abstract pattern.
14. white tippex pen on black paper changing directions
15. Very dense handwriting with tippex pen on black paper
16, big letters drawn on "bill" "background" filled with gold pen
17. gold pen on black paper changing the size of the letters
18. writing in bold letters the diagonal using Siena Sennelier ink
19. wetted watercolour paper, writing with acrylic ink with bamboo pen
20. These are a not very successful experiment: Puff paint was applied and letters scratched into it. The idea was to produce a surface for rubbing. As you can see in the samples that follow, the rubbings are not very clear
21. Here big letters were cut out with my Silhouette.The rubbing was done with Derwent paint sticks
22 a and b: here the letters were put randomly on thesticky cutting mat, The rubbing on the black and white sample was done with a black "woody" stabilo, then wetted. The rubbing for the red sample was done with a white oil bar then painted with red Quink ink
Further rubbings based on letters cut out with the Silhouette can be seen on the previous blog post
23. writing done in circular movements, the backgrounds for 1, 2 and 3 are cut out from a magazine. The writing in 1 and 2 is very dense and the words barely recognizable. In sample 3 the letter "L" produces a very pleasing rythm, whereas the writing in 4) is done with a very fine "dip-in" pen.
24. the black squares are filled with the word "List" varying its size to fit into the square. In the red circles the letters are written with a silver pen, the letter "shaded" with a black pen
25. flower shapes filled with letters: black letters surrounded by a gold pen, background filled with red Quink ink
26. "waves" filled with black and red lettering