I tried to put the picture that inspired the paper sample next to it
I tried to take a picture with the spirals hanging down
Pleated paper samples
My monoprinting papers were all done with the gelli plate. I love the effect the remaining paint on the plate which peels off with the following print adds interesting depths to the picture. Some of the spirals were drawn free-hand on the plate but I also used commercial spiral stamps. These papers could also be copied onto fabric.
Some computer drawings using the paint program
some drawings done with scribbler
scribbler drawing alternated with Paint program and Picasa
Scribbler drawing changed with the Paint program on my laptop
same as above but alternated with Picasa
Here the possibilities are endless. In fact you don't need fancy computer programs to achieve a lot of interesting effects. Interesting "paintings" could also be printed on fabric .
Here are some examples of some spiral pictures have been transformed with Picasa