width of each fabric strip: 2,5 cm
method: I backed the strips (black and white together) on bondaweb before cutting them up and ironing them onto a base white fabric. The cut edges were then covered with a narrow zigzag stitch.
For this sample the strips were cut at an 45° angle
Stitch width was 3,5 cm including the seam allowance of 1,5 cm
For this method one should try to iron the seam allowances towards the dark fabric, if possible.
Sample 8: The black and white strips were cut with a triangle ruler with the 45° tip.
Sample 9: the fabric was cut into stripes of different widths, sewn together as shown on the diagram
The samples produced with the transfer adhesive method are, and also, look "flatter".
Some of the backs of the stitched seam method samples look very interesting.
I tried to use up some of my cold wax printed fabrics where the pattern was too "obvious". Cutting up these fabrics broke up the pattern.
When using the rotary cutter, care has to be taken to cut "away from the body"
It's also important to keep it away from children.