Sunday, 20 July 2008

Module1-Chapter 8 Complex Samples


Sample A

A cross shape was bonded to the background. An altered templar cross shape was stitched. An opening was cut in the middle and a polyester organza patch applied to the back.

Sample B
The same cross shape than in sample A made of painted cotton organza was bonded to the stamped backbround and partially outlined with straight stitches. The grid shape was machine stitched, then (heavily) padded, cross stitches were added.

Sample C
The same cross shape than in samples A and B was bonded. A star shape was outlined with straight stitches and french knots. The square center was padded.

Fabrics: dyed poplin cotton

Sample D
A templar cross shape made of poplin cotton was bonded to the background fabric. The same shape was twisted and stitched by machine. More hand stitching was added. The center square as well as additional shapes were padded.

Sample E
A star shape made of bondaweb was applied to the commercial background fabric and foiled. The outline of the shape was machined then padded. The templar cross shape was outlined with a couched thick thread. A little star was embroidered in the middle.

Sample F
A cross shape made of commercial cotton was trapped between two layers of polyester organza. The templar cross was embroidered in straight stitches on top.

Several of these blocks could be sewn together and hung in front of a window.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Module 1 - Chapter 5

Module 1 - Chapter 5
Sorry, I forgot that I had to put the last pics first.

I tried to decorate the fabric by using bondaweb and foil, then I rubbed it with the golden Paintstik.

Here I did some rubbings over the stamp I had made and over a "Hama" star shape.

In this sample I bonded various fabric snippets and some wool under painted net. In fact it is difficult to find coloured net here, so I painted it with fabric paint.

Various fabric snippets were bonded under a nylon yellow chiffon scarf.

Various commercial fabrics.

Procion dyed fabrics: popeline cotton and some linen.

Stamped fabric : I had made a stamp with a part of a templar cross shape

Procion dyed fabrics

Various stamped fabrics

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Tuesday, 8 July 2008

M1-Chapter 4 - Design Variations with Layers of Cut Paper Shapes

Cut and Fold Design Shapes in black paper

Sheet 1: Different grids.

Sheet 2: Samples a) and b) are variations of the templar cross.

Sheet 3: Samples a) and c) might be difficult to translate into fabric.

Sheet 4: For all of these samples the black paper was folded corner to corner.

Sheet 5: Variations of the cross shape, cut shapes from folded square.

Sheet 6: Original star shape and its variations: samples a) - d)

Design Variations using Several Layers Of Cut Paper Shapes

I made freezer paper templates for the different shapes. Putting one on top of the other enabled me to get an idea of how the shapes would work together. Ironing some of them to the papers made it easier to cut them out.
Sheet 1: For samples a) and b) the same modified templar cross shape was used as top layer. In sample b) the cross variation of sheet 5 forms the background.
I do like both of these samples because they look a bit like flowers.

Sheet 2: for sample 2 I used the same templar cross shape than in sample f) with a grid shape on top. In sample d) a templar cross shape was used as top layer.

Sheet 3: For sample f) I used one of the variations of the templar cross shape

Sheet 4: For sample h) I used tissue paper for the star shape. The yellow paper shape behind shines through. It gives me an idea of how it would look like with sheer fabrics.